New Thrift Store Building Blessed by Clergy

On Tuesday, June 30th Catholic Social Services Thrift Store staff and volunteers, as well as local area clergy, came together for a private blessing of the new store in advance of the July 6th Grand Opening celebration.


Fr. Mark Ross, Pastor at St. Mary on the Hill Catholic Church, was accompanied by Fr. Vernon Knight (St. Mary on the Hill) and Fr. Mark Van Alstine (St. Joseph) to bless the new building.

Also in attendance were Sr. Janet Roddy, MFIC (Executive Director of Catholic Social Services of Augusta), Sr. Isabelle Lohan, MFIC, and Philomena Mooney, Thrift Store Manager.

We would like to extend a heartfelt “thank you” to everyone involved in bringing this dream to a reality. We could not be more excited as we approach our Grand Opening on July 6th. The store will be open from 8am to 6pm that day, with a short ceremony taking place at 10am.

We hope you will all join us for the big day!


New building, same mission for Catholic Social Services thrift store


We're Part of the #WeGiveAShirt Campaign