Diocese of Savannah Welcomes Bishop-Elect, Fr. Stephen Parkes

First published on the Diocese of Savannah website. Read the full release here.

July 8, 2020

My dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Grace to you and Peace in Christ Jesus our Lord!


I am pleased to inform you that this morning, His Holiness Pope Francis honored our diocese with the appointment of a new bishop! Father Stephen Parkes, a priest of the Diocese of Orlando, has been named the 15th bishop of Savannah. We are deeply grateful to our Holy Father for this gift to our diocese.

How fortunate we are to welcome a seasoned and gifted pastor! In his 22 years of priestly ministry, he has served in parishes, directed souls, and was the campus minister at the University of Central Florida for nearly a decade. His pastoral zeal and concern are immediately evident when meeting him. He has also served in various capacities and on multiple councils and boards advising the bishops of his diocese.

His ordination and installation will be at the Cathedral Basilica of St. John the Baptist on Wednesday, September 23rd, the Feast of Saint Padre Pio. Details will be forthcoming. We warmly welcome Bishop-elect Parkes to Savannah as he takes up the mantle of shepherding our diocese.

Please keep him in your prayers these next few months as he prepares for his ordination and installation as the next bishop of the Diocese of Savannah!

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Very Reverend Daniel F. Firmin, J.C.L.
Diocesan Administrator
Diocese of Savannah


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